::.History of computer.::

The history of invent computers starts out about thousand years ago.A computer or in other name is a machine that can be programmed to accept data(input) process it into useful information(output) and store it in a secondary device for safekeeping.

As information there is a many of inventors contributed in the invent to the history of computers.A computer made up of many parts such as desktop, motherboard, CPU, mouse and other such things.

As the time keep moving on,the invent of computer become more popular and become more sophisticated.There is have until fifth generation the invent of computers.

There is a some example from first generation to fifth generation

  • First generation - 1940-1956:Vacuum tubes
    *used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory and were often enormous,taking up entire rooms.
    *need high costs because using a great deal of electricity and generate a lot of
    *relied on machine language to perform operations.
    *only solve one problem once at time.
    *E.g : UNIVAC and ENIAC.

    Example of ENIAC.

    Example of UNIVAC

  • Second generation -1956-1963: Transistors
    * its replace the vacuum tubes.
    *was invented in 1957 but it's not used in computers until late 50s.
    *It was very sophisticated more than vacuum tube.
    *Allow computers to become more smaller,faster,cheaper,more enery-efficient.
    *changed from binary machine language to symbolic which allowed programmers to specify instructions in words.
    *early versions High-level programming was COBOL and FORTRAN.

  • Third generation - 1964-1971:Integrated Circuits.
    *miniaturized and placed on silicon chips, called semiconductors,which drastically increased the speed and efficiency of comp.
    *users was inteacted with this third generation computers through their keyboards and monitors and also with an operating system.
    *Their functions are allow the device to run many different applications once at time.

  • Fourth generation -1971-present:Microprocessors.
    *thousands of integrated circuits were built into a single silicon ship.
    *In 1971,the Intel 4004 chip was developed.
    *Located all the components of the computer - from the CPU and memory on a single chip.
    *As the time moving on,many areas of life as more and more everyday products began to use microprocessors.

  • Fifth generation -Present and beyond:Artificial Inteliggence.
    *Nowadays,its being used in some applications such as voice recognition.
    *Use of parallel processing and superconductos is helping to make artificial intelligence a reality.
    *develop device that respond to natural language input and are capable of learning is the main goal of fifth generations computing device.

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